TIA TIA Wastewater News

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tia abwasser mikroplastik
TIA researches / Microplastics

TIA is currently researching the removal of microplastics from wastewater.

A new treatment technology for the selective removal of microplastics from industrial waste water and an in-situ detection method for microplastics will be developed.

Interview in VDMA Magazine

In an interview with the VDMA Magazine / April 2020 issue, Managing Director Anna Lena Blanke talks about the work and strategy of TIA Wastewater

verein deutscher ingenieure - vdi
VDI Syposium

Dr.-Ing. Norbert Müller-Blanke gave a speech at VDI symposium with the focus on Optimization of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants on 26./27.02.2020: Upgrading and Stabilisation of biological Wastewater Treatment Plants

mdb Brackmann bei Tia-Abwasser
Politician at TIA

On 25.02.2020 Mr. Norbert Brackmann, Member of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, visited us.

Expansion of the TIA General Management

Mrs. Anna Lena Blanke has been appointed managing director with effect from December 1, 2019. Mrs. Blanke represents the company together with her Co-managing director Dr.-Eng. Norbert Müller-Blanke.

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