TIA TIA Wastewater News

Find out everything worth knowing and news here

Treatment of landfill leachate

TIA-Abwasser is conducting extensive studies for the Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München AWM on the removal of arsenic from the well of the Großlappen landfill site.

Partnership with Schleswig-Holstein

The German state of Schleswig-Holstein supports our plans and activities to open up the wastewater market in southern Africa for TIA Wastewater Technologies.

"ReUse" reuse of treated wastewater

UV-LED disinfection and the TIA R+D acquifer for the regeneration of drinking water successfully completed. The objective of TIA Technologien zur Industrie-Abwasser-Behandlung GmbH, drinking water quality to generate from sewage plant water ...

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Webtalk Textile Industry 09.09.2020

Machinery Webtalk – powered by VDMAThe next international webtalk on 9 September 2020 (2 pm – 4 pm CEST) will focus on „Waste water reduction and treatment in textile dyeing

tia abwasser mikroplastik
TIA researches / Microplastics

TIA is currently researching the removal of microplastics from wastewater.

A new treatment technology for the selective removal of microplastics from industrial waste water and an in-situ detection method for microplastics will be developed.

Interview in VDMA Magazine

In an interview with the VDMA Magazine / April 2020 issue, Managing Director Anna Lena Blanke talks about the work and strategy of TIA Wastewater

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