TIA TIA Wastewater News

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tia abwasser mikroplastik
TIA researches / Microplastics

TIA is currently researching the removal of microplastics from wastewater.

A new treatment technology for the selective removal of microplastics from industrial waste water and an in-situ detection method for microplastics will be developed.

Interview in VDMA Magazine

In an interview with the VDMA Magazine / April 2020 issue, Managing Director Anna Lena Blanke talks about the work and strategy of TIA Wastewater

verein deutscher ingenieure - vdi
VDI Syposium

Dr.-Ing. Norbert Müller-Blanke gave a speech at VDI symposium with the focus on Optimization of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants on 26./27.02.2020: Upgrading and Stabilisation of biological Wastewater Treatment Plants

mdb Brackmann bei Tia-Abwasser
Politician at TIA

On 25.02.2020 Mr. Norbert Brackmann, Member of the Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, visited us.

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