Participation in panel discussion Economic Network Africa

13. September 2022

TIA Managing Director Anna Lena Blanke was invited by the Business Network Africa and the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection to participate in a panel discussion. The topic of this meeting on 31.08.2022 was market entry in Africa. With its many years of experience on the continent, TIA GmbH can contribute several helpful aspects. Wirtschaftsnetzwerk Afrika und das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz die TIA-Geschäftsführerin Anna Lena Blanke als Expertin für Wasseraufbereitung, zu einer Podiumsdiskussion ein.

The topic of this meeting on 31.08.2022 was market entry in Africa. With its many years of experience on the continent, TIA GmbH can contribute several helpful aspects.

TIA can refer to a large number of realised wastewater treatment plant projects in several African countries. hat umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der technischen und finanziellen Abwicklung von Anlagen zur Wasseraufbereitung in Afrika gemacht.

TIA's clients are industrial customers with a focus on the food and beverage industry as well as hospitals, hotels and small municipalities. TIA has thus gained extensive experience in the technical and financial management of water treatment plants in Africa.


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EWWI in Cairo / Egypt

We would like to thank all visitors to our stand at the EWWI Egypt Water Waste Infrastructure trade fair in Cairo / Egypt in December 2024.

Our Managing Director Dr Norbert Müller-Blanke, who was also Chairman of the accompanying congress, and Mr Luis Blanke were able to make new contacts and hold many interesting discussions.

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