TIA-Abwasser is conducting extensive studies for the Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb München AWM on the removal of arsenic from the well of the Großlappen landfill site.
Various biological, chemical and physical wastewater treatment processes and process
combinations are being tested for their suitability.
The biological treatment stage will be equipped with the ARS process developed by TIA-
Abwasser. With this process, the sludge age of a biological treatment stage can be
significantly increased with little additional effort. This increased sludge age results in stable operation of the wastewater treatment plant, absence of odour and excellent accident
Die biologische Behandlungsstufe wird mit dem von TIA-Abwasser entwickelten ARS Verfahren ausgerüstet. Mit diesem Verfahren kann das Schlammalter einer biologischen Reinigungsstufe mit geringem Mehraufwand deutlich angehoben werden. Durch dieses erhöhte Schlammalter werden ein stabiler Betrieb der Kläranlage, Geruchsfreiheit und exzellentes Unfallmanagement erreicht.
In addition to the performance of the various treatment technology processes, the focus is on the consideration of operating costs, not only to ensure technically sensible and stable wastewater treatment, but also to illuminate the medium- and long-term financial framework conditions.
The completion of the investigations with a pilot of arsenic removal is planned for April 2022.