TIA wastewater treatment plant ordered for state-owned power utility in Kuwait

26. January 2021

TIA is supplying the industrial wastewater treatment plant for a state-owned energy supplier in Kuwait. The wastewater treatment plant will be part of a new construction project for which the Ministry of Energy and Water MEW is responsible. A section of the wastewater treatment plant will clean wastewater containing oil by separation. Together with our partner Kadhema Scientific Consultancy and Services, Kuwait, we convinced our client Heisco (Heavy Engineering Industries & Shipbuilding Co) of the efficiency of the TIA wastewater treatment plants. Heisco is one of the leading construction and engineering companies based in Kuwait Ministry of Energy and Water MEW verantwortet. Ein Teilbereich der Abwasseraufbereitung wird Öl haltiges Abwasser durch Abscheidung reinigen.

Zusammen mit unserem Partner Kadhema Scientific Consultancy and Services, Kuwait, haben wir unseren Kunden Heisco (Heavy Engineering Industries & Shipbuilding Co) von der Leistungsfähigkeit der TIA-Kläranlagen überzeugt. Heisco ist eines der führenden Bau- und
Engineering-Unternehmen mit Sitz in Kuwait.


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We would like to thank all visitors to our stand at the EWWI Egypt Water Waste Infrastructure trade fair in Cairo / Egypt in December 2024.

Our Managing Director Dr Norbert Müller-Blanke, who was also Chairman of the accompanying congress, and Mr Luis Blanke were able to make new contacts and hold many interesting discussions.

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