TIA Abwassertechnik, a leading company in the field of wastewater treatment and water purification, will present its expertise at the renowned "EWWI Water Waste Infrastructure Egypt" in New Cairo, Egypt, from 01 to 03 October 2023.
TIA has been invited to give a presentation at IFAT 2022 in Munich:
Doing Business in the Egyptian Water Sector – Case Studies“. Der Vortrag wird am 02.06.2022 um 15.55h stattfinden.
rom 30.05. to 03.06.2022, we will be represented with our booth at IFAT 2022 in Munich, as we are every time, presenting new and proven plants, processes and procedures for wastewater treatment and water treatment.
لقد قمنا بتخطيط وتقديم محطات معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي الجاهزة والمصممة خصيصًا لعملائنا الدوليين في الصناعة والبلديات منذ عام 1987.
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